

huch, ich bin über mich selber überrascht, aber ich habe es tatsächlich mal das ganze monat durchgehalten & die photoadaychallenge von fatmumslim mitgemacht.

hier alle bilder hinter einem cut & wer mag kann den juli „live“ auf instagram mitverfolgen. dort bin ich unter dem namen zwergenprinzessin zu finden!

morning: marshmallow cupcakes for le boyfriend. empty: cup of coffee before i have to leave for school. on my plate: spongebob toast with ham & cheese. close up: sprock ist waking up next to me. every morning. sign: wine label because we are celebrating my bf's bsc today! hat: let's got dodgers, let's go! drink: schnaps for lunch at my bf's grandfather's. six o'clock: going home after a fun day at säntispark which is in switzerland. they have vanilla coke there! my view today: going to ulm. best bit of my weekend: visiting my most favorite tiny humans. day 11: door. day 12: from a low angle. day 13: art. day 14: time. day 15: yellow. da 16: out and about. day 17: in your bag. day 18: something you don't know about me. day 19: imperfect. day 20: fave photo i've ever taken. day 21: where i've slept. day 22: from a high angle. day 23: movement. day 24: on my mind. day 25: cute. day 26: where i shop. day 27: bathroom. day28: on the shelf. day 29: soft (kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. purr purr purr!) day 30: friend.


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  1. Pinkback: #photoadayjuly | zwergenprinzessin kocht!

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